Patrick Leroux et Laurence Gourdault Montagne are back from Kenya. The two volonters went around with the taxi-library to follow the team in the district of Busia. 8 schools to visit, 7500 pupils who could enjoy sport and reading and 35 letters to bring to the children of level 6. It's amazing! Patrick and Laurence say the weather was not so nice but Freddy is doing well with the sport activities, even if it is raining. Pius is managing the organisation and helping children in their choice of books. Esther participates when she can acting as a librarian. Sabina is in charge of the kindergarden. Hunguera
Patrick Leroux et Laurence Gourdault Montagne, deux bénévoles partis 10 jours au Kenya sont de retour. Ils ont accompagné l'équipe du taxi bibliothèque de Busia et rendu visite à 8 écoles, soient 7500 élèves. Ils ont distribué les lettres des correspondants français aux 35 élèves de la classe de 6ème.
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