lundi 26 septembre 2011

First turn in new schools

Direct from Busia
First visit to Bwamani, Burumba and Kimatuni schools.One actor's testimony : "It was as if we were adventuring, these are realy children who need this service of the taxi-library, they were very happy about everything. All so everythig was new to them some were even fearfull to touch our facilities.They have not seen or touch most of the sports materials before in their all life. This childrens realy enjoyed library lesson, it was there first time to come a cross the house or a room known as library, with the books they have never come a cross and of different authors. I am sure they will dream and tell there parents what they saw today".

En direct de Busia
La semaine passée c'était la première tournée entre les nouvelles écoles de Bwamani, Kimatuni et Burumba. Voici les échos de Pius : " C'était comme une véritable aventure où les enfants faisaient des découvertes, n'osant pas toucher le matériel et n'imaginant pas qu'ils pouvaient s'en servir. C'était pareil du côté de la bibliothèque... la première fois que ces élèves avaient accès à des albums ou des livres. Je suis sûr qu'ils vont en rêver et en parler à leurs parents".

1 commentaire:

  1. hi edu'kenya team of france.We thank you for repling to us and giving us more support.
